Arun Mani J


Jaya by Devdutt Pattanaik

Since my childhood, I always wanted to read Mahabharta. I tried once in my school days but didn’t have a nice time thanks to the number of characters and the family tree.

During my semester break, I thought I should try again but with a different book. The main reason is that I wanted to read the philosophy.

However, most of the books were really huge and had the old English. Then I found this book in Quora.

If you are beginner and like me — just wants the story without beating around the bush, then this is book for you. There are no paragraphs of adjectives or simply talking. The author comes to the point and has very crisp sentences. Each of the chapter is very small and it manages to tell you the essence. Apart from that, each chapter comes with a list of notes that talks about the variations, contemporary nature etc.

Such a wonderful book in itself. Highly recommended.

Okay, my thoughts on Mahabharta itself? It is very cunning and smart way of bending the rules, especially in the warfare. It is awesome. Though I feel like it is injustice sometimes, the other voice in me says - it is what it is, everything got perfectly balanced. So, once again, really awesome.